Metabolic Disorders

Slow metabolism or hypothyroidism is very common and can contribute or cause many illnesses. Optimizing the metabolism improves cellular function across many body systems, thus improving quality of life in a persistent and preventative way. For an in-depth look into how optimizing metabolism can treat a wide range of ENT and chronic diseases, read Dr. Levine’s paper entitled, The Definition of Optimal Metabolism and its Association with Large Reductions in Chronic Diseases, which is published in Open Access Texts Journal: “Trends in Medicine.” Open Access Text is an independent, peer-reviewed scientific publisher showcasing innovative research and ideas aimed at improving public health.

Diseases and Symptoms of Slow Metabolism

Metabolic disorders often cause allergies, chronic fatigue, psychological illness, dermatologic (skin) illness, autoimmune difficulties, digestive problems, and more others.


Allergy symptoms

  • Food allergies
  • New onset allergies
  • Hives
  • Urticaria (itching)
  • Rhinitis and post-nasal drip
  • Chronic eustachian tube dysfunction


Neurological symptoms

  • Headaches
  • Migraine
  • Lethargy
  • Coldness
  • Neuropathies
  • Trigeminal neuralgia
  • Vertigo
  • Dizziness
  • Meniere’s Disease
  • Depression

Psychological symptoms

  • Depression
  • Tiredness and fatigue
  • Sleep disorders
  • Attention Deficit Disorder (A.D.D.)


Dermatologic (skin) symptoms

  • Dry skin
  • Eczema
  • Hives
  • General itching
  • Hair loss (particularly in women)


Autoimmune diseases

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Lupus
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic Fatigue

Raising metabolism can improve other autoimmune diseases. Visit the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association for a complete list of autoimmune diseases.


Digestive symptoms

  • Constipation
  • Slow motility and bloating
  • Worsening of Crohn’s Disease
  • Worsening of Ulcerative Colitis


What are the causes of Hypothyroidism?

People become hypothyroid for many reasons. Some people are born genetically ‘wired’ in a low metabolic state. Many become hypothyroid due to aging. Significant trauma can also slow the metabolism in the body’s attempt to reduce demand and focus on the areas under siege. But it may stay reduced far too long and prolong illness.

Obesity, insulin resistance, and diabetes also cause Hypothyroidism. This is due to the overproduction of Reverse T3, which doesn’t raise metabolism at all, in place of Free T3, the main thyroid hormone.  Autoimmune thyroiditis eventually results in hypothyroidism as well. More detailed blood testing can make the diagnosis as long as there is correct interpretation to go along with it. The blood test results must be coupled with a careful history!


Diagnosing Hypothyroidism at the Cellular Level

Most ‘thyroid panel’ blood tests ordered are insufficient to make the diagnosis because T4 (a pre-hormone), TSH (a pituitary hormone), and an antiquated indirect test of T3 Uptake are ordered. These tests do not convey what is happening at the cellular level. In order to understand Hypothyroidism, it is critical to know the level of Free T3, as well as the ratio of Total T3 to Reverse T3. Once the T3 levels are optimized, cellular function improves.



Treatment for Hypothyroidism includes oral medication of T3 (Liothyronine) which is taken twice a day, and Levothyroxine which is taken once a day to support the metabolic switch and the T4 levels if needed. The inclusion of T3 is frequently not offered by endocrinologists and internists.

After taking the oral medication for three weeks, Dr. Levine will repeat the blood test to see if the hormone levels are optimal. Once the goal is reached, the testing frequency is reduced. In some cases, patients are not candidates for optimal metabolism due to the following side effects: heart palpitations, muscle cramps, or heat intolerance. Supplementing with over-the-counter Magnesium or Potassium can minimize these.

Maxgxl is another treatment option, as it will also increase metabolism by improving the efficiency of the cellular energy generation.

Note: Only a few patients may be able to stop taking thyroid hormone and still maintain an optimal level of metabolism. This will depend on underlying causes like aging, inflammation, and genetics. Most will need to continue on thyroid medicines in order to maintain their metabolism in an optimal state. Dosage changes may be needed over time.